Hi, On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly: > Prahlad Vaidyanathan wrote: > > > > I get quite a few text/html mails from people using OutLook, so I use > > lynx to dump the output to my pager. > > > > Now, my problem is, when I view these mails, I get some lines at the > > beginning of the mail like so : > > > > [-- Autoview using lynx -dump .... etc etc --] > > > > Now, how do I prevent this from showing up ? > > yeah this is a bit annoying. i also find this bit helpful: > alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
Well, my problem stems from a Windows MUA called 'IncrediMail', which sends both plain-text and html mails - only the plain text mails are horribly formatted. Also, each line ends with a '^M'. I don't know if you've faced this problem, but it is immensely irritating trying to read those emails. So, for those mails alone, I set mutt to display the text/html as against the plain-text version. > > (in your .muttrc).... this will at least use a text version if both are > given (ie it will prefer the plaintext version over the html version). > > i also find w3m a tiny bit nicer than lynx... but my favorite method for > dealing with this sort is to (politely or not depending on how well you > know them) ask them _not_ to send html mail in the first place. Most people couldn't care less. Most of my friends are non-geeks who use Web-Mail or MUAs like IncrediMail, and no amount of telling them is going to change their ways. The only way of dealing with it is making Mutt view it better. IMHO, that's a much more painless way of doing it, anyway. pv. -- Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> What, me worry ? http://www.symonds.net/~prahladv/ Don't Panic ! --
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