Hi, I get quite a few text/html mails from people using OutLook, so I use lynx to dump the output to my pager.
Now, my problem is, when I view these mails, I get some lines at the beginning of the mail like so : [-- Autoview using lynx -dump .... etc etc --] Now, how do I prevent this from showing up ? It becomes increasingly irritating to read that for practically every personal mail I get. Is there any way of disabling this ? If I can't disable it, can I at least configure it to be display _after_ the message. I would also like to do the same for GPG's output (which is also shown at the beginning of the message, right now). Couldn't find anything on this in the docs, so I posted this. pv. -- Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> What, me worry ? http://www.symonds.net/~prahladv/ Don't Panic ! --
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