Louis --

...and then Louis LeBlanc said...
% On 11/12/01 10:06 PM, David T-G sat at the `puter and typed:
% > 
% > % could change the keybindings from <ESC>P to something easier tho, so I
% > % guess even that doesn't really matter.
% > 
% > If you don't like having to use esc-P you could always use the procmail
% > recipe from PGP-Notes.txt to convert the incoming email for you...
% <Slap to  the forehead> Duh!  I just  remembered that I  commented out
% that procmail fix for this testing! Looks like I'm getting a bit wonky
% myself.

*grin*  Well, at least we've solved one thing!

% > % Thanks for the help.
% > 
% > Sorry I ran out of steam before we found the answer!
% No big  deal. You've helped me  eliminate a couple things  at the very
% least, and I do appreciate it. As  you suggest, this one might best be
% left to the developers.  Of course they may not want  to touch it when
% they see my build setup.

Oh?  Hrmmm...

% I  build directly  from  the port  on FreeBSD  4.4  Release, with  the
% following build parameters:
% Basically, I  am enabling  the VVV  NNTP and  Quote patches  (though I
% could probably do without the quote patch).

Only because I've never used either of those would I recommend a clean
rebuild just to try it.  What is the quote patch?  That immediately makes
me suspicious (though I'm no developer)...

% I have not heard of the 'Mutt OutHouse' patch, and haven't found it at
% the Mutt site, and  it isn't included in the FreeBSD  port, so I never
% used it.

It was written by Shane Wegener and contributed here; I think he also has
it on a web site somewhere, but I don't have that handy.  I have it,
though; you can surf over to


and pick it up out of the file listing if you'd like a copy.

% If anyone  has any suggestions,  let me  know. I'm willing  to rebuild
% with just the IMAP enabled if anyone thinks it's really necessary, but
% I would need at least the IMAP for mutt to really be useful to me.

Rebuild from clean mutt source and enable anything you want as long as it
isn't a featuer patch, and then try one more time.

% Thanks again!
% Lou
% -- 
% Louis LeBlanc               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
% http://www.keyslapper.org                     ԿԬ
% It is a wise father that knows his own child.
%     -- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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