Will --

...and then Will Yardley said...
% David T-G wrote:
% > 
% > % attachments that  cannot be read  from some mail  clients (commandline
% > % mail, for instance).
% > % Anyway, I  have been reprimanded,  and so  I promised not  to autosign
% > % until I figured out what the deal was.
% > 
% > Heh.  Fight back; sign everything and encourage them to upgrade to a Real
% > Mail Program (tm).
% that seems a little harsh.... i'm sure there are many who would tell
% those of us who use mutt to use a 'real mail program'.  there's nothing
% wrong with using mailx or other command line clients.

While I overlooked that and figured that it was a mandated-by-management
MUA, mutt is also a command-line MUA and it works dandily :-)  Meanwhile,
there's no particular reason for reprimand, even at the user-to-user
level, since Louis is simply using a useful tool.  If they want to bash
mutt for doing it the Right Way instead of the Wrong Way (in case another
for instance is LookOut!), then that's fair; we'll bash right back :-)

% however sending myself an pgp/mime signed email does seem to work ok
% with mailx... what command line mail client (and OS) are these people
% using?

Well, while the message is there, it isn't necessarily pretty:

% for me it shows up like this:
% & 
% Message 3:
% From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Nov 10 13:20:23 2001
% --PEIAKu/WMn1b1Hv9
% Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
% test
% --=20
% --PEIAKu/WMn1b1Hv9
% Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
% iD8DBQE77ZoXswHW5vg5XAIRApl9AJ45XAkSrOVZh0DLpL3/+kb6iNEPOgCdH6Cm
% SrCI5ALyIdFqk2xAbSVsMPk=
% =hfHw
% --PEIAKu/WMn1b1Hv9--
% & quit
% Saved 1 message in mbox
% Held 2 messages in /var/spool/mail/wby

I imagine that the other folks are going "what are these goofy --PEIAK
lines, and why does one of his lines end with a twenty, and what's all
that 'PGP' stuff at the bottom?" and consider that unreadable.  That,
we all know, is a matter of user education combined with the proper tools.

% w
% -- 
% GPG Public Key:
% http://infinitejazz.net/will/pgp/

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Attachment: msg20362/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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