David T-G wrote: > % > % that seems a little harsh.... i'm sure there are many who would tell > % those of us who use mutt to use a 'real mail program'. there's nothing > % wrong with using mailx or other command line clients. > > While I overlooked that and figured that it was a mandated-by-management > MUA, mutt is also a command-line MUA and it works dandily :-) Meanwhile, > there's no particular reason for reprimand, even at the user-to-user > level, since Louis is simply using a useful tool. If they want to bash > mutt for doing it the Right Way instead of the Wrong Way (in case another > for instance is LookOut!), then that's fair; we'll bash right back :-)
mutt is a terminal based email client, but i don't know if i'd call it a command line tool in the same way that mailx is.... it's more analogous to elm or pine than to mailx. i don't know if it's as simple as mutt doing it the 'right way' and everyone else doing it the 'wrong way'. pgp/mime is one standard, and one that makes sense for a lot of reasons. on the other hand, mutt is one of the very few MUAs that is pgp/mime aware. it is funny that while we bitch when people send us other types of mime attachments, that we're guilty of the same thing a lot of times. this is why i'm a bit ambivalent about pgp/mime. how is it really better for us to say we're doing it the right way than for people who don't wrap lines and send HTML mail to say THEY'RE doing it the right way? this is my only issue with PGP/mime (that and the fact that (admittedly stupid for the most part) MUAs can't read it at all, or can only read it with great difficulty. while there's a certain amount of irony in this (people sending .doc attachments, html mail and all other types of crap that WE have to deal with), we should probably know better... we're the ones who have to deal with it on a daily basis. you can say 'i'm right and you're wrong' all you want, but the fact is that very few people use mutt (or other PGP / mime aware mailers) and that a LOT of people use Outlook Express. the purpose of email is, after all, to communicate with others. while i understand that if standards aren't used they won't ever be adopted, it would be nice if we could find some kind of common ground. w -- GPG Public Key: http://infinitejazz.net/will/pgp/