David T-G wrote:
> % have the following:
> %
> % send-hook . "set pgp_autosign; macro compose y <send-message>"
> % send-hook "~C [EMAIL PROTECTED]" "unset pgp_autosign; macro compose y 'Fgpg
>--armor --clearsign --local-user 0x23314340\ny<send-message>'" # Christian Seewald
> %
> % And it works, perfectly.
> Great!
> So, I wonder, how do your non-"us-ascii" emails look when they've been
> clearsigned?
Well, they look okay in my terminal (puh, I'm so glad :) and in Outlook
of my roommate, who also uses a German locale. Not many of my friends
use Outlook, so I don't expect so much breakage.
Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/
PGP signature