David T-G wrote:

> % Unfortunately, pgp_create_traditional is only used with us-ascii mails,
> % which kinda defeats its purpose in my case.  This is extremely annoying,
> % because it basically means, that I cannot talk to non-English speaking
> % Outlook users.
> I don't really know a whole lot about this, but I thought that that was,
> indeed, one of the big limitations of traditional signing.
> Have any non-English-speaking LookOut! users sent you PGP-signed mail?
> I'd be quite interested in seeing what happens to their charset along
> the way.  Maybe Micro$oft has managed to break this in a completely new
> way ;-)

Unfortunately, no, it seems that I'm the only user of PGP-signed mail in
my Freundeskreis.  (Don't know the English word and too lazy to look it
up.  Actually, a very cool German song is called like this.  Anyway ...)

In any case, I've found a solution that is acceptable to me, although
it's just a dirty hack.  I searched the archives again and came across a
post by Bruno Postle, where he suggests the following macro:

        macro compose S "Fgpg -a --clearsign -u 0x82C08753"

This was nothing for me, because in this case I had to turn off
pgp_autosign, sign the message myself, send the message and then turn
pgp_autosign back on.  Too much work.

However, using send-hooks and overloading the <send-message>-key, I now
have the following:

        send-hook . "set pgp_autosign; macro compose y <send-message>"
        send-hook "~C [EMAIL PROTECTED]" "unset pgp_autosign; macro compose y 'Fgpg 
--armor --clearsign --local-user 0x23314340\ny<send-message>'"    # Christian Seewald

And it works, perfectly.

Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/

PGP signature

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