Viktor --

...and then Viktor Rosenfeld said...
% Hello,


% I use the pgp_outlook_compat patch along with pgp_create_traditional to
% communicate with Outlook user while still signing my mails.

Sounds good.

% Unfortunately, pgp_create_traditional is only used with us-ascii mails,
% which kinda defeats its purpose in my case.  This is extremely annoying,
% because it basically means, that I cannot talk to non-English speaking
% Outlook users.

I don't really know a whole lot about this, but I thought that that was,
indeed, one of the big limitations of traditional signing.

Have any non-English-speaking LookOut! users sent you PGP-signed mail?
I'd be quite interested in seeing what happens to their charset along
the way.  Maybe Micro$oft has managed to break this in a completely new
way ;-)

% Thanks,
% Viktor
% -- 
% Viktor Rosenfeld
% WWW:

HTH & HAND and I can't wait to see an Outhouse example

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

PGP signature

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