On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 09:12:54PM +0200, Karlheinz Eckmeier wrote:
> I'd like to encrypt messages to a special mailing list which a small
> group of people is using to exchange informations. I have the keys of
> all the people on the list but mutt allows me to select only ONE key 
> from the list of available keys before sending off the message.

If you can set up the mailing list yourself, you can use Shibboleth.

(Note that I've never used it, but it looks quite cool.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / DNRC / UMBC-LUG: http://linux.umbc.edu
PGP public key fingerprint:  0A7D B3AD 2D10 1099  7649 AB64 04C2 05A6
--- --
  "Lennier, get us the hell out of here."
  "Initiating 'getting the hell out of here' maneuver."
                       -- Ivanova and Lennier (Babylon 5, "The Hour of the
---- --- --

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