Karlheinz, Suresh, et al --

...and then Suresh Ramasubramanian said...
% Derek D. Martin <mutt> [29/09/01 19:21 -0400]:
% > On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 09:12:54PM +0200, Karlheinz Eckmeier wrote:
% > > I'd like to encrypt messages to a special mailing list which a small
% > Since the list is small, you could maintain your own (mutt) alias
% The best way is to create a separate key for the list - and signed with all
% your keys to show that you trust it entirely.  Encrypt mail to that list key.

I think that an even better way would be to have a public key for the
mail list and for the list software to have everyone's public keys; you
encrypt the message so that only the list server can read it (simple on
your end), and it decrypts it and then tirelessly (albeit perhaps slowly)
encrypts the message to each subscriber on the list.  Voila, your message
is sent encrypted to everyone's key individually.  If that's too much
work for the server, then the server can encrypt the message to
everyone's keys and send the same whopping big message to everyone.

[Alternatively, you could create a list key and distribute both the public
and private halves to list members (only!) and encrypt to that key and
send the encrypted message via any list server.  Or is that what you were
suggesting, Suresh?]

Has anyone written anything like this?  Could the qmail list server pre-
and post- functions (as I vaguely recall) be used for this?  Has anyone
maybe hacked it with procmail?

It seems to me that the list server needs a secure place to store the
plain text -- perhaps its own ramdisk or its own buffer space -- and its
own passphrase and then it's just a matter of chugging along.  I'm no
programmer (which is why the overview is so vague and easy :-) but it
seems that a first whack could be handled in a scripting language even if
it is slow as a pig...  It's something I've wanted for a long time but
don't think I've seen yet.

%       --suresh


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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