David T-G <mutt> [30/09/01 00:00 -0400]:
> I think that an even better way would be to have a public key for the
> mail list and for the list software to have everyone's public keys; you
> encrypt the message so that only the list server can read it (simple on
> your end), and it decrypts it and then tirelessly (albeit perhaps slowly)

This will not scale - and an MTA / listserv is not supposed to monkey with
the content of mail it sends across IMHO, by pgp signing, character set
conversion or any other method.

> [Alternatively, you could create a list key and distribute both the public
> and private halves to list members (only!) and encrypt to that key and
> send the encrypted message via any list server.  Or is that what you were
> suggesting, Suresh?]

Exactly.  This would mean a list where subscription means meeting the
moderator somehow and exchanging keys with him ... each member then signs
that list key with his key to show that he trusts it.


PGP signature

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