On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 07:29:20AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> Matthias --
> % 
> % so i looked in the header of those emails, and found that the emails
> % which aren't recognized as an reply don't have the In-Reply-To and
> % the References field. Ok, there is nothing to do.
> Well, you could use Cedric's edit_threads patch and link them into the
> threads wherever you wish, for one.
where can i find that patch?
> Are you sure that mutt doesn't recognize it?  If the References: field
> contains only Message-IDs from messages not in your mailbox, then mutt
> will have nothing to which to refer and thus be unable to thread that
> message.  Same goes for I-R-T: headers; if they don't point to something
> that mutt has, then they're pretty useless.
yeah... sorry you're right. the message was not the direct reply of
mine... so the References: field was not the same as my Message-ID ...
that is not *really* mutts fault.. ;)


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