On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 01:31:52AM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:
> Johannes Zellner wrote:
> > when I use a cygwin terminal to log in to my linux box from windows,
> > the terminal is set to cygwin. As there are no termcap entries for
> > cygwin on my linux machine, I set the $TERM to 'ansi' which works
> > nicely and gives correct output for 'ls', 'vim', 'slrn' for example.
> > Unfortunately mutt doesn't work correctly with this setting.  What
> > should I do to get the correct output ?
> sorry for the second post on this issue.  i'm sure thomas will explain
> why i'm an idiot, but copying the cygwin terminfo entry from
> /usr/lib/terminfo/c to /etc/terminfo/c on my linux mail machine seemed
> to do the trick.  i'm sure that's not ideal, but it seemed to work.  if

that would work.  (It may have some errors, depending on version - the
newer cygwin terminal doesn't match, for instance, the b19.1 that I originally
tested on).

> your machine uses termcap instead of terminfo, you could presumably edit
> the termcap file (keeping a backup of course) and add the definition for
> cygwin.
> or just use putty as i mentioned before :>

PuTTY's fine (but there are a lot of settings for it, so I wouldn't bother
trying to make terminfo entries for all of the combinations).  Out-of-the-box,
I don't think its display is very legible (requires some tweaking of fonts
and colors to make it usable), and iirc, the function-keys out-of-the-box
don't match any of the terminfo's I use.

If I want to use something that doesn't require much tinkering, I use
Tera Term.

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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