Johannes Zellner wrote:
> when I use a cygwin terminal to log in to my linux box from windows,
> the terminal is set to cygwin. As there are no termcap entries for
> cygwin on my linux machine, I set the $TERM to 'ansi' which works
> nicely and gives correct output for 'ls', 'vim', 'slrn' for example.
> Unfortunately mutt doesn't work correctly with this setting.  What
> should I do to get the correct output ?

sorry for the second post on this issue.  i'm sure thomas will explain
why i'm an idiot, but copying the cygwin terminfo entry from
/usr/lib/terminfo/c to /etc/terminfo/c on my linux mail machine seemed
to do the trick.  i'm sure that's not ideal, but it seemed to work.  if
your machine uses termcap instead of terminfo, you could presumably edit
the termcap file (keeping a backup of course) and add the definition for

or just use putty as i mentioned before :>


Sintax error in config file! (line 378)

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