Vineet Kumar wrote:
> This command specifies folders which can receive mail and which will
> be checked for new messages. By default, the main menu status bar
> displays how many of these folders have new messages.
> You don't want mutt to let you know of new mail in sent-mail? don't
> include it in your mailboxes line.
yes but on other machines mutt doesn't do this. i like having sent-mail
in the mailboxes list so that it's included in my default folder list.
i was hoping there was another way to do this. no worries though.
> > --
> > Sintax error in config file! (line 378)
> > aborted!
> Looks like you've got a lexical error in your syntax error, as well...
well it wouldn't be a very funny sig if it were spelled correctly :>
it's from the logs of a piece of antivirus software called rav. their
software works pretty well but their spelling leaves something to be
Sintax error in config file! (line 378)
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