i just compiled mutt 1.2.5 in my home directory on a shell account on a
machine for which i don't have root access (later versions aren't happy
compiling for some reason, but 1.2.5 worked ok).

a couple questions; i installed libiconv 1.7 in my home dir and pointed
--with-libiconv to my lib directory (tried pointing it to my home dir
too).  later versions of mutt say 'iconv is not good enough - try
getting libiconv instead.

i'm pretty sure that's the same libiconv i am supposed to use - is there
a reason that's not working?  (i installed ncurses too so the version of
ncurses is fairly recent).

cihost (the provider of the account) actually TOLD me that they broke
mutt so it would segfault (instead of just uninstalling it) because they
claim it uses up too much system resources.  i think that's bs but
that's neither here nor there.

anyway i don't use the account that much so i don't really care about
having the latest version.....

my actual question is that whenever i send a message, using either
fcc-hook or set record (currently using fcc-hook):

#set record =~/mail/sent-mail
fcc-hook $ +sent-mail

i get a new mail message in sent-mail.

i do have sent-mail set as a mailbox, but i have this set other places
as well i'm pretty sure without problem (my main account is Maildir so
that's different, I assume).

any way to surpress this with 1.2.5?


Sintax error in config file! (line 378)

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