Lars Hecking wrote:
>  mutt 1.2.x doesn't use iconv.

sorry - i should have been more specific. i would assume that the fact
that mutt 1.2.5 doesn't use iconv is why it compiles fine.  my problem
is compiling 1.3.x -  this was referring to my afforementioned troubles
compiling 1.3.x

so my problem with 1.2.5 is the save-hook thing (which may have a very
simple answer for all i know), but i would like to be able to compile
1.3.x just for cheap thrills.

i've gotten this error on a couple other old linux machines as well.
perhaps i'm not correctly specifying the path?  does it need the path to
the libs, or the path to the header file?  i've had the same problem on
an old machine on which i DO have root access and installed libiconv
1.7 and 1.6.1 - mutt still complained.

as i mentioned none of these machines are machines i use frequently so
it's not really a big deal - 1.2.x works fine for me on these boxes.


Sintax error in config file! (line 378)

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