On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 11:01:27AM -0400, Adam Shostack wrote:
+ Done, but that didn't leave me colorless; it left me with a grey
+ background. (eewwww!)
+ > % underlining quoted text, boldface in headers, etc. I want plain
+ > % text. Suggestions for how to get there?
+ >
+ > I dunno about bold (like the index status line, right?) but you can turn
+ > off quote underlining by unsetting quote_regexp.
+ No, actually bolded, using a heavier font.
+ I tried this, to no avail. unset quote_regexp Didn't have the
+ behavior which I'd expect, which is that on restarting mutt, nothing
+ would be matched. Then I tried set quote_regexp="^@", figuring that
+ that wouldn't match anything, but I still get the quoting behavior.
+ > Read your muttrc and TFM some more :-)
+ Sure. Where in the manual does it reference Tufte on minimization of
+ color and ink? :)
Are there any features of the new version that you use and/or like?
If not, why not simply downgrade to the version that you were using
++ Tim Lupfer ++ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ++
++ http://www.rootdown.net/~timl ++
++ 0x4905183C @ pgpkeys.mit.edu ++
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.