On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 07:30:40PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % I just upgraded to mutt 1.2.5, and its insisting on coloring
> % everything. I managed to get close to what I want by commenting
> Heh :-)
> % HAVE_COLOR out of config.h, but now I still get things like
> That's probably a good way to whack most stuff, but you could also check
> in the system-wide Muttrc and your own .muttrc for any 'color' statements
> and comment them out or turn them into 'mono' statements.
Done, but that didn't leave me colorless; it left me with a grey
background. (eewwww!)
> % underlining quoted text, boldface in headers, etc. I want plain
> % text. Suggestions for how to get there?
> I dunno about bold (like the index status line, right?) but you can turn
> off quote underlining by unsetting quote_regexp.
No, actually bolded, using a heavier font.
I tried this, to no avail. unset quote_regexp Didn't have the
behavior which I'd expect, which is that on restarting mutt, nothing
would be matched. Then I tried set quote_regexp="^@", figuring that
that wouldn't match anything, but I still get the quoting behavior.
> Read your muttrc and TFM some more :-)
Sure. Where in the manual does it reference Tufte on minimization of
color and ink? :)
"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."