Adam --

...and then Adam Shostack said...
% Hi,


% I just upgraded to mutt 1.2.5, and its insisting on coloring
% everything.  I managed to get close to what I want by commenting

Heh :-)

% HAVE_COLOR out of config.h, but now I still get things like

That's probably a good way to whack most stuff, but you could also check
in the system-wide Muttrc and your own .muttrc for any 'color' statements
and comment them out or turn them into 'mono' statements.

% underlining quoted text, boldface in headers, etc.  I want plain
% text.  Suggestions for how to get there?

I dunno about bold (like the index status line, right?) but you can turn
off quote underlining by unsetting quote_regexp.

Read your muttrc and TFM some more :-)

% Adam


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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