Hi Lorenzo

Ok, thanks to you and Stefan.

The following works a treat.

add the lines

unset use_from
my_hdr From: Webmaster Ashlyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

and that works for my version (pre 1.1)

Thanks very much for your quick response


-----Original Message-----
From: Lorenzo Martignoni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 August 2001 17:33
To: Peter Stokes
Subject: Re: Sending a mail with

Quoting Peter Stokes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
> Hi Lorenzo
> Thanks for that. I wonder if my version of mutt is too old as I get a
> Error in /etc/Muttrc, line 167: from: unknown variable source: errors
> in /etc/Muttrc
> when I add a line
> set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> into /etc/Muttrc as a test.
> Peter

ok, I use "set from" with mutt 1.2.5, try with:

        unmy_hdr From:
        my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this sets directly the from field in the email header


Lorenzo Martignoni  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
'Mounting' is used for three things: climbing on a horse, linking in
a hard disk unit in data systems, and, well, mounting during sex.
                                         -- Christa Keil

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