
I am using an old version of mutt (Mutt 1.0pre3us (1999-09-25)) on my RedHat
6.1 server and have relatively simple requirements for it. The main reason
for choosing mutt was to give me attachment sending capability from my
server via shell scripts for which it works fine.

I now want to use it to send any requests from my webserver via a perl
script back to me. I host more than one vitual domain on the server and
therefore would like to have the email appear to come from that domain. The
perl script usually runs as user Nobody on the server for security reasons.

Domain 1 - ashlyn.co.uk

I would want email to appear to come from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Domain 2 - argentcs.com

I would want email to appear to come from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can this be done with any version of mutt, either by config files or
environment variable or command line?



Peter Stokes
Ashlyn Computer Services Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1636-627900
Fax: +44 (0)1636-627909
Mbl: +44 (0)7977-532320
Web: http://www.ashlyn.co.uk

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