Quoting Peter Stokes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
> I now want to use it to send any requests from my webserver via a perl
> script back to me. I host more than one vitual domain on the server and
> therefore would like to have the email appear to come from that domain. The
> perl script usually runs as user Nobody on the server for security reasons.
> Domain 1 - ashlyn.co.uk
> I would want email to appear to come from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Domain 2 - argentcs.com
> I would want email to appear to come from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Can this be done with any version of mutt, either by config files or
> environment variable or command line?

create different configuration files, one for every virtualdomain.
In the configuration files set the from field,

        set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

and the other stuff.

include "-F domainconfigurationfiles" in your mutt's command line.
The "domainconfigurationfiles" must change according to the virtual


Lorenzo Martignoni  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send.
                                       -  RFC1123  -

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