* On [010717 14:50] Fox Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> finally i have got mutt working with fetchmail and procmail. I am really
> happy. I have a few questions, and basically want to know if i am doing
> things the right way.
You ought ot set your editor to wrap lines at less than 80 characters, other
than that, you don't appear to have missed anything.

> Now when i start mutt, i get only the spool. I have to do a c=foldrname
> to get to the folder. i expect this is normal. Is there some way in which
> i can get to know if any new messages are in the other folders without
> actually going into them? it so happens that i get most of the mail in
> the spool, and rerely check the other 2 folders since there is not very
> heavy traffic there.
If you start mutt with the -y switch, it starts up in the file browser,
showing just those mailboxes that you have listed with the mailboxes
command.  Those folders with new mail in them should have an 'N' next to them.

> also, is it possible to transfer a mail from 1 folder to another?
Yes.  Just save the message to whichever folder you wish to.

Lawrence Mitchell

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