On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 04:15:33PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 09:55:37AM -0400, John P. Verel wrote:
> > The answer is procmail.
> Is there really no way to do it it with mutt alone?  It's a major
> pain for me to install and configure procmail+fetchmail on all our
> unix machines just to be able to read mail.

I receive mail from several mailing lists, personal mail and spam. I
don't use 'procmail', but 'filter' my spoolfile as follows:

1. In .muttrc, I set up all the mailboxes that I need, i.e. IN.mutt,
IN.fbsd, etc

2. In .muttrc, I set up scores for the various

3. In .muttrc, I set up 'folder-hooks' to colorize the mail based on ~C
   so that in the spoolfile index all mutt-user list mail is together and
   one color. All freebsd-questions mail is together and another color,

4. I set up as many macros as I need to move each colorized group of mail
   into the appropriate IN.xxxx mailbox.

What remains is spam and I do "D ." which will nuke the spam when I
change mailbox.

Once in an IN.xxxx mailbox, I have folder-hooks that removes the
spoolfile Index colorization.

I experienced the same problem you had when I tried to write one huge
macro for all the mail. AFAIK, it can't be done. So by color-coding the
mail, I always know which macro to hit or to avoid. ;^) I takes all of 10
seconds to filter my mail -- on a 486-66. Try to work it out -- it's a
great learning experience. L8r....
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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