* Dominik Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20010709 14:51]:
> On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 12:27:01PM +0100, John Arundel wrote:
> >
> > I'm arguing for greater usability through greater simplicity. Anyone who
> > really cannot get on with mutt and its associated mail toolkit can perfectly
> > well switch to a more 'integrated' client - Netscape, for example. Choice is
> > good, right?
> Choice is always good. And it would be even better if there were
> a MUA that had a nice user interface (that does not mean that you
> have to use the mouse) as well as a powerful feature set.
> Unfortunately there is non, as far as I can judge this. Mutt is
> great if its already configured to your likings when you get it,
> but it can be a pain if it isn't.
But who is supposed to configure it to one's likings?