I have a single mail account where I get several kinds of mails.
Some are from mailing lists, some are company internal and some
are from various services on our server which I administrate.
Since the server generates a lot of useless mails I'd like to
redirect these to a different mailbox as soon as they are received
(via mutt's POP3 support):
mail addressed to: redirect from inbox to mailbox:
root admin
webmaster admin
<all other> <keep in inbox>
How can I do this, preferrably without using any third party tools
like fetchmail?
I am using mutt-1.3.12i.
Dominik ^_^ ^_^
P.S.: please CC me, I'm not on the mailing list.
Dominik Vogt, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LifeBits Aktiengesellschaft, Albrechtstr. 9, D-72072 Tuebingen
fon: ++49 (0) 7071/7965-0, fax: ++49 (0) 7071/7965-20