Louis LeBlanc ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on
> Ok, small victory. I removed the '-u .mutt/mutt.vimrc' option from my
> 'editor' definition, and now I get color in my composition window.
> Some of them, anyway. Smileys, URLS and email addresses are still not
> colored. The email addresses in the headers are magenta, the header
> fields are green, as are the values, though I have hdrdefault set to
> red/white.
You need to have the appropriate highlighting commands in your
vim config, not your mutt config, for them to show up in your
editor. The two are completely different processes; the MUA
spawns $editor; when $editor exits, the MUA reads in the file
that $editor was editing. There is no shared configuration
between the two other than command line stuff that may be
included in $editor.
Defining ft=mail (see below) will use mutt's default mail
hightlighting. :hi will show you what they are, as well as give
you ideas what to start customizing.
As an aside, I always begin my vimrc files with set nocompatible,
so that there are no ugly vi-isms getting in the way of the cool
things about vim, like syntax highlighting.
> Quoted text, is colored correctly, but Quoted1 shows as cyan, though I
> have it defined as magenta. The sig shows as magenta, though I have
> it defined as blue.
You need to grep through the vim docs for syntax highlighting.
:help syntax will bring up syntax.txt from the vim help docs. Be
warned, though, it's a lot more complex that mutt syntax
highlighting, since it is signed for highlighting programming
languages. There are many more types of highlighting to be done
than in mutt.
As an experiment, try:
:hi Normal ctermfg=3
(to restore it, try :hi Normal ctermfg=7)
Also try the other numbers, 0 - 8 in place of the 3. This will
give you a feel for what you can customize. The ones I customize
hi Normal ctermfg=white
hi Search cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4
hi StatusLine cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4
hi StatusLineNC cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
hi Visual cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
hi ModeMsg cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
There are cterm, ctermfg, and ctermbg; cterm is for using bold or
underline, for example, and cterm[fb]g are for the foreground and
background colors respectively.
some interesting mail related ones are mailQuotedX, where X is
from 1 tp 6:
hi mailQuoted1 ctermfg=1
hi mailQuoted2 ctermfg=2
hi mailQuoted3 ctermfg=3
hi mailQuoted4 ctermfg=4
hi mailQuoted5 ctermfg=5
hi mailQuoted6 ctermfg=6
Season to taste. Also, check <URL:http://www.vim.org/html/syntax.html>.
> I also tried setting the editor variable with -u NONE (as per the vim
> docs) then executed the following:
> syn on
> set ft=mail
> set fo=trcq
> The syn command had the effect of turning the colors back on, the
> other commands didn't seem to affect anything. Thanks, Darren.
The other commands turn on things like line breaking and stuff
relevant to composing mail. They just don't do things that are as
obvious as the syntax highlighting.
> Mail reading was still black and white. I noticed I had my pager set
> to 'less', which is fine, but it doesn't do vim coloration. I set it
> to vim and colors are back, but still no colored links, smileys, etc.
> I also came up with the "-c 'map q :q
'" option to make it recognise a
> single 'q' keystroke as a quit command.
set pager=builtin
will use the defined highlighting. This situation is identical to
the editor one I described above; the pager is an external
program that receives the mail message on stdin, unless you
defined pager=builtin (which is the default).
I think the above was a little rambling; if so, I apologize.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, love under will.