Louis LeBlanc ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on
> The :syn check shows a boatload of 'muttrc*' groups, but nothing else,
> which implies to me that the vimrc I am using is geared more toward
> editing the .muttrc file. Am I right there?
That sounds right. What does set ft tell you? Right now I get
filetype=mail, which means vim thinks it's editing a mail message
(which it is). Are here any explicit set ft= or set filetype=
lines in the vimrc you are referencing in your $editor line?
> If so, the problem is that I am just using the wrong vimrc. Any idea
> where I can get the right one to start with?
Try loading vim without a vimrc (vim -u /dev/null) and run:
syn on
set ft=mail
set fo=trcq
And see how that works out for you.
> As for the color commands in the .muttrc, I take it the body configs
> are strictly for the mutt builtin viewer. Maybe I am mistaken, though.
That is correct.
All pleasures cost at least the time they take.