Dear all,

is there a possibility to configure mutt-1.x the way that fcc: get's
automatigally set to the folder where the message is located to that I
reply on ?

For example (trying to clarify):
- all my incoming email goes into a folder named Mail/default
- when I want to reply to a message from that folder it should be stored
  there per default and not in another folder that exists (I have one
  for every mailing list I am subscribed to but personally addressed
  email-replies should be saved in the default and not in the
  appropriate mailing-list foldre).
- besides Mail/default, I have folders for work, private etc.

I hope this explains my problem.

If this issue has already been addressed somewhere, could you give me a
hint under which keyword I should run a search ?

Thanks for your hints and help in advance,


Lukas Ruf                        Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Office: ETZ-G61.2                             Computer Engineering and
Phone: +41/1/632 7312                        Networks Laboratory (TIK)
Fax:   +41/1/632 1035                                      ETH Zentrum
PGP 2.6: ID D20BA2ED;                                    Gloriastr. 35
Fingerprint 6323 B9BC 9C8E 6563  B477 BADD FEA6 E6B7    CH-8092 Zurich

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