On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 03:50:13PM -0700, Jeff Coppock wrote:
>    Still doesn't work.  I tried %-15.15F, %-18.18L and %-18.18F
>    and my +sent-mail still shows the From: header (my name) and
>    not the To: header.  It's like mutt's not recognizing my name. 
>    I've been playing with the index_format for some time now
>    using any possible option listed in 'man muttrc' with no luck.
>    Any other suggestions are most welcome.
Do you have added the list to .muttrc with subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]?
So, for this list I added
subscribe mutt-users
so mutt will know this list.
Perhaps you can use 
set alternates , too, in your .muttrc?
Something like 

Maybe that will work.

No other ideas at the moment.


 .''`. [Arvid Warnecke] [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] [05323-715724]
: :' : [ICQ 55906559] [ www.mad-hatter.de ] [PGP-Subject:"get pgp key"]
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