Still doesn't work.  I tried %-15.15F, %-18.18L and %-18.18F
   and my +sent-mail still shows the From: header (my name) and
   not the To: header.  It's like mutt's not recognizing my name. 
   I've been playing with the index_format for some time now
   using any possible option listed in 'man muttrc' with no luck.
   Any other suggestions are most welcome.

Thusly Thwacked By Arvid Warnecke:
> On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 11:03:12AM -0700, Jeff Coppock wrote:
> >    I have the same problem with my +sent-mail directory.  I
> >    displays my name and the not who the mail was sent to even
> >    though I'm using this index_format in .muttrc
> >    
> >    set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-18.18F (%4c) %s"
> >    
> >    I verified that my name is correct on the /etc/passwd file,
> >    since mutt checks there, and it was wrong and I fixed it and
> >    it's still not working.
> >    
> >    Is there anything else I can check that would cause this?
> >    
> > 
> You have to change the index_format. Standard is
> set index_format "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s" in the .muttrc
> Just change %-15.15L to %-15.15F. Or 18.18L then ;-)
> So you will always see the author's name in the index.
> For more details on changing the index-format, please take a look at
> section 6.3.73. of the mutt-help-page.
> HTH,
> Arvid
> -- 
>  .''`. [Arvid Warnecke] [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] [05323-715724]
> : :' : [ICQ 55906559] [ ] [PGP-Subject:"get pgp key"]
> `. `'  Linux 2.4.2 i686  XFree86 Version 4.0.2  Uptime: 10 days, 9:43
>   `--  BOFH #32: techtonic stress



Jeff Coppock -- SE Manager --  Pacific Northwest Region
 Nortel Networks / IP Core Networks (Shasta BSN 5000)
  (408) 565-3848:Office -- 655-3848:ESN
  (510) 703-5910:Mobile -- (925) 292-1156:Home Office

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