Brian Nelson wrote:
> I recently added the mailing lists I subscribe to using the
> 'subscribe' setting in my muttrc. Apparently, by default, when mutt
> recognizes an email from mailing list, it changes the display in the
> index to show 'To [EMAIL PROTECTED]' or 'CC [EMAIL PROTECTED]' for
> example instead of the name of the person who sent the email.
> This is undesirable since I already sort my mailing lists into folders
> with procmail. It's not very helpful to see that every email in the
> folder was send to the mailing list.
> How would I override this behavior to make mutt show the 'From' field
> in the index for mailing lists instead of 'To' or 'CC'?
> Thanks.
> --
> Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You'll want to take a look at the $index_format variable. Like
many things in Mutt, the format of the index is highly
As an example, I am currently using:
set index_format="%4C %S %{%m/%d} %-18.18n %?M?(#%03M)&(%4c)? %s"
Good luck.
-- Mr. Wade
Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation