Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Using a large mallet, Mr. Wade whacked out:
> > I do this as well. I think that perhaps I misunderstood the
> > original question. I was under the impression that the asker
> > wanted to know how to have a default "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > header specified when he loaded his mailing list mailbox folder,
> > so that he wouldn't have to enter that as input. You seem to be
> > discussing sorting incoming mail rather than mail composition.
> Well, I sort incoming mail, and then use folder hooks to set my from address.
> Mutt's L (list reply to) along with "subscribe foo" in muttrc handles things
> quite OK.
I agree,... but what about messages which are NOT replies? I
think that's what the original question was about. If he invokes
the <mail> function, (bound to "m" by default), he must then
specify a "To:" header address. I think that's what he was
trying to automate.
Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation