Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Using a large mallet, Mr. Wade whacked out:
> > > folder-hook . 'unmy_hdr To:'
> > > folder-hook =IN-L-mutt-users 'my_hdr To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> > > A problem with this, though, is that list-replies tend to have
> > > the list address twice in the To: field. I haven't spent any
> > > time determining a method to correct that.
> Heh, no. Doesnt need to be that way. Trust to mail-followup-to / reply-to
> set by the list (that takes care of the to) and just set your from header.
> See my muttrc at for a "list oriented"
> muttrc
Well, for one thing, not all lists (this one, for example) modify
the "Reply-To:" header. Also, not all users' MUAs accommodate
"Mail-Followup-To:" headers, but most importantly: not all
messages a user sends is a reply to a previous message. Too many
users contaminate threads by replying to messages with something
that is totally unrelated or break them by not replying where
appropriate, beginning new threads. Some are simply too lazy to
address an email for themselves, so they just reply, possibly
neither understanding nor caring how annoying it is. :)
This was an attempt to have Mutt use a default "To:" address for
a mailbox folder, as I understand it.
-- Mr. Wade
Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation