Rodrigo Vega Fonseca wrote:
> Mutt can send mail to everyone I try but when it comes to my
> own account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) the server returns my mail
> with the message:
> "Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 501 5.1.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Domain of sender 
>address [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist" and my message won't
> post...
> What does that mean? Does it mean that I have to setup a network with a real
> domain just to use Mutt? I don't think so.
> I've already ready the man pages, online help and other resources and modified
> my .muttrc file with the parameters:
> set hostname=""
> set pop_host=""
> set pop_user="vvega"
> set hdrs #to include my_hdr lines to message headers
> and
> my_hdr From: Rodrigo Fonseca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Another annoying thing is that every mail I fetch from the server is kept
> there and every time I download the new messages, the old ones come again.
> I need to download the new messages from the server and then delete them.
> Don't really know what's happening...

You might try setting the $envelope_from variable.  That could
help eliminate the error you are receiving from the mailserver.
In ~/.muttrc (or some file sourced by ~/.muttrc):

        set envelope_from

Also, to delete messages aff the POP host after downloading them,
set the $pop_delete variable.  In ~/.muttrc (or some file sourced
by ~/.muttrc):

        set pop_delete

You might, however, be better served to not use Mutt's mail
retrieval functions and use a mail retrieval utility like
fetchmail instead.  Personally, I find it more convenient and
useful, especially since it has more flexibility and can handle
multiple accounts, (although, with some clever hooks, I guess
Mutt could emulate some of the functionality.)

Good luck!

        -- Mr. Wade
Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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