I have some messages with www/ftp URLs. To highlight them I use

------ QUOTE BEGIN ------
color body      black yellow '(ftp|www)(\.[^     ]+)+(/[^        ]*)*'
color body      black white "[^\t ]+:([^\t ]*/[^\t ]*)+"
color body      black green "(f|ht)tp://[^\t ]+"
color signature red black
======= QUOTE END =======

The "black white" pattern is for anything like host:path.
Normally it should look like:

        www.bla.org             -> yellow
        host:www/bla/fasel      -> white
        http://www.doamin.bla   -> green

This works in general.
When I switch the green and the white definition, then all the green
highlights turn white. I take it that the last matching pattern rules.
True ?

For all eMails it works, except for 1 !
Try the above color definitions and have a look on the eMail attached !
If you can, tell me ...

1. why isn't the sig recognized and coloured right ?

2. why isn't the URL at the bottom not green but white ???

When I comment out the white definition and restart mutt, the URL turns
green !!!

I'm using Mutt 1.2.5

Rado S.                 eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Message is based on my knowledge:       | So much to do, and only so little
I'm not omniscient, take care!          | time, no mercy, no hope.

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 13:43:37 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Metaserver.



You guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off.

  - Zaphod Beeblebrox - The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Electrical Engineering 1998
University of Alberta

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