I'm starting to use Mutt in my Linux box but I'm getting some
errors when I try to send mail to my own mailbox (provided for
my ISP, a pop account), even if it's just CC or BCC.
Mutt can send mail to everyone I try but when it comes to my
own account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) the server returns my mail
with the message:
"Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 501 5.1.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Domain of sender 
address [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist" and my message won't
What does that mean? Does it mean that I have to setup a network with a real
domain just to use Mutt? I don't think so.

I usually don't send mail to myself :) but, when testing, those errors
happened and I became concerned if this could happen with messages to other
people. I can't afford missing an important message that should be sent to
some client.

I've already ready the man pages, online help and other resources and modified
my .muttrc file with the parameters:

set hostname="uai.com.br"
set pop_host="pop.uai.com.br"
set pop_user="vvega"
set hdrs #to include my_hdr lines to message headers
my_hdr From: Rodrigo Fonseca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

but nothing works. Is there something I'm missing? Maybe another setting for
my smtp server? Or does this mean that my ISP's  smtp server is not well
Another annoying thing is that every mail I fetch from the server is kept
there and every time I download the new messages, the old ones come again.
I need to download the new messages from the server and then delete them.
Don't really know what's happening...

Any help will be very appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


        Rodrigo "Vega" Fonseca.

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