On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 06:24:26PM -0700, Joe Copeland wrote:
> How do I configure mutt to use another smtp server rather than the sendmail
> server that's setup by default with redhat?  I want to use my mailserver at
> instead.

You could try configuring your local sendmail to use as the
smart host.  When configured this way, sendmail won't deliver directly.
If the intended recipient is someone other than an account on the
localhost, sendmail will relay to  Then will
send the mail out.  

This is the way that I have my system configured.  Sendmail is not
exactly what I would call easy.  I just (and I mean JUST) fixed a 
problem where my local sendmail was sending it out with the local
machinename which doesn't resolve externally.  As a result, I was
getting a lot of rejects from destination mail servers and lists were
dropping my posts.  Took me a little while to figure out how to get it
working the way I needed it to.  Hell, I've been wanting to upgrade to
8.12.0 anyway (Beta 7).
Blue skies...           Todd
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