If you look at the headers from this mailing list you'll see that it uses qmail.
I personally chose qmail because I needed something that fetchmail could connect
to (ie. a mail system listening on port 25 (smtp)). 
My original setup was with ssmtp, but the ability to recieve mail directly to
one's computer is way to cool to settle for ssmtp. In anycase qmail allows for
more flexibility (hence configurability) besides the fact that it claims that it
"makes sendmail obsolete" (http://www.qmail.org). 


Le jour Mon Apr 16, 2001 at 06:24:26PM -0700, Joe Copeland ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) a écrit...

> How do I configure mutt to use another smtp server rather than the sendmail
> server that's setup by default with redhat?  I want to use my mailserver at
> instead.
> Joe

Timothy Mark Whitehead                  // Freshman, UW - Madison  
tmwhitehead(at)students.wisc.edu        // Intended Major: Computer Engineering 
tigmoid(at)                // SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COLLEGE STUDENT! 
tigmoid(at)jps.net                      // -- UW-Navs, UW-Band, UW-Trumpet
whitehea(at)cs.wisc.edu                 // Do you, eh, look at headers?         

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