( Apr-09-2001 ) Conor Daly <--:
> > This should work.
> >
> > color index red default "~l"
> > color index brightred default "~N~l"
> > color index brightyellow default "~N!~l"
Try naming the color instead of default
> It *should* work but alas it doesn't. I'm using
> Mutt 1.2.5i (2000-07-28)
> System: Linux 2.2.16-22 [using slang 10401]
> Compile options: <snipped them>
I am using the same mutt version, compile options identical
BUT: linked against ncuses-5.2
> the same .muttrc worked beautifully on an RH 6.2 box.
> Any thoughts?
Just an idea what you might check, RH 6.2 slang or ncurses?
Don't know about slang but I read somewhere that some variables
have to be set (.profile or so) - as said, all just ideas.