OK, I have gone a little mad with colours, but I'm too lazy to actualyl
read things, I prefer to have it land in my brain without my

So to get all the info I like form message headers, I use

color hdrdefault cyan black
color header   green black ^To:
color header   green black ^Cc:
color header   green black ^From:
color header   red black ^Date:
color header   green black ^Reply-To:
color header   magenta black ^Subject:
color header   yellow black ^List-
color header   white black ^X-Mailer:
color header   white black ^User-Agent
color header   white black ^Organi

Nothing I've tried has allowed me to colour ^X-(anything except
X-Mailer:) seperately from X-Mailer:

XMailer: always gets trapped in the X- colouring.



Homepage: http://ailbhe.ossifrage.net/

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