On (05/04/01 16:39), Aaron Schrab wrote:
> color header green black ^X-
> color header white black ^X-Mailer:
> Works for me. I'm using the development version, but that shouldn't
> matter.
> If for some reason the above doesn't work for you you could use a regexp
> like:
> x-([^m]|m[^a]|ma[^i]|mai[^l]|mail[^e]|maile[^r]|mailer[^:]+):
OK, neither of these work. Am I overloading mutt's ability to parse
colours? Is my version of mutt weaker than another, and if so, where
can I get the .deb for the other? Or should I give up, and use header
order to make the vgrep easier, rather than colours?
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