At 15:48 -0500 25 Mar 2001, Adam Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a MIME-formatted message.  If you see this text it means that your
> E-mail software does not support MIME-formatted messages.

Mutt doesn't include text like the above.

> --=_693-985553325-1-3

That isn't a mutt-generated boundary.

> For some reason, when I sign a message without encrypting it, it
> results in a BAD signature. It workds fine when the signature is
> combined with the encryption, only causes a problem when the message
> is detach-signed.

Have you tried checking the signature on a Fcc'd copy of a message?

I suspect that you're using the Courier MTA.  The boundary quoted above
looks like one I've seen generated by that.  It's also known to be
broken in dealing with signed MIME messages.  The author has been told
this, but refuses to fix the problem claiming that the relevant
standards are at fault.

If you are indeed using Courier, the attached patch to mutt may work
around the problem.  But, I'd recommend switching to an MTA that doesn't
try to mess around with MIME, or if it does is written by someone that
actually understands MIME.

If you're using some other MTA you should contact the author(s) and ask
them why it's rewriting your messages.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [It is] best to confuse only one issue at a time.  -- K&R
--- sendlib.c.dist      Tue Dec  5 12:31:21 2000
+++ sendlib.c   Tue Dec  5 14:32:25 2000
@@ -433,7 +433,10 @@
   fputc ('\n', f);
-  if (a->encoding != ENC7BIT)
+  /* Courier MTA will rewrite messages that don't contain an explicit
+   * Content-Transfer-Encoding, breaking PGP/MIME signatures. */
+  if (a->encoding != ENC7BIT
+      || (a->type == TYPEMULTIPART && mutt_strcmp(a->subtype, "signed") == 0) )
     fprintf(f, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\n", ENCODING (a->encoding));
   /* Do NOT add the terminator here!!! */

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