Hi Adam,
I'm no expert and just taking a wild stab at this.
If the verification results in a BAD Signature, that simply means that
the msg you have signed has been altered in some way before reaching
it's destination -- that us in the mailing list.
Have you tried testing your GPG by signing a file on your local system
and then verifiying it?
If the result is okay then somehow your signed email msg is being
altered by your mailing system (due to a config) or whatever.
Otherwise you might check your GPG config.
Good luck. Cheers.
Horace G. Friend III
GnuPG DSA/ElGamal Key Fingerprint
9295 80C4 C723 621B 9C2D B53E D432 7936 4CA9 8AD6
On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 03:48:45PM -0500, Adam Sherman wrote:
> For some reason, when I sign a message without encrypting it, it
> results in a BAD signature. It workds fine when the signature is
> combined with the encryption, only causes a problem when the message
> is detach-signed.
> GPG detach-signs and verifies on the command-line with no problem.
> I signed this message, and attached my key, BTW.
> Anyone?