On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 03:41:00AM +0100, Jens Paulus wrote:
> Yes, line wrapping is the editor's job. I suggest to use "set tw=72" or
> "set textwidth=72" in the config file. "set co=72" only sets the width
> of the display (number of columns), but does no real line wrapping in
> the text. In Vim, you may hit "gqap" or "gqip" to format the current
> paragraph (to the given width), save the settings in ~/.vimrc.
You could also create a simple wrapper around vim which uses a different
init file (eg. ~/.vimrc-text) to specify these options. I use vim for
other stuff (editing code & whatnot) and want different for the default
in mutt/rc:
set editor="/home/ed/bin/vitext +/^$/+1"
in ~/bin/vitext:
exec vim -u ~/.vimrc-text "$@"
cheers --
Ed, who got these settings from a friend