On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 02:09:58PM -0500,
Daniel Eisenbud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is thought to have said:
> On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 01:13:12PM -0500, Timberwolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Daniel:
> >
> > Where is the standard for line wrapping limits set? Is that in an
> > RFC? If so, can you point me to the RFC that lays out the proper
> > form for outbound message character wrapping.
> I don't know if it's in an RFC. But it's long-standing netiquette to do
> it.
RFC 1855 (the Netiquette RFC) Section 2.1.1, contains the following:
- Limit line length to fewer than 65 characters and end a line
with a carriage return.
Systems Administrator
Art Technology Group http://www.atg.com