On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 09:37:10PM +0000, Conor Daly wrote:
> OTOH, I did a little script that checks for "attach" style keywords in
> your message and then checks for a "content disposition attachment" type
> line in the message and if it doesn't find one, pop's up an xmessage to
> ask if you want to send without an attachment.
The emacs junkies out there might also like to note that the emacs mutt mode
(as in mail editing mode, not the mode for editing muttrc files) has a
similar feature.
> In fact, I got asked about this message since it says "attach" above and
> doesn't have an attachment. Cool eh?
Now, I'd have been more impressed if it had known that you didn't want to
attach anything in this case. ;>
Dave Pearson: | lbdb.el - LBDB interface.
http://www.davep.org/ | sawfish.el - Sawfish mode.
Emacs: | uptimes.el - Record emacs uptimes.
http://www.davep.org/emacs/ | quickurl.el - Recall lists of URLs.