On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:57:18PM +0000 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Conor Daly thought:
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:07:57PM +0100 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
> Axel Bichler thought:
> > Hi Conor!
> > 
> > *  Conor Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010118 09:37]:
> > > OTOH, I did a little script that checks for "attach" style keywords in
> > > your message and then checks for a "content disposition attachment" type
> > > line in the message and if it doesn't find one, pop's up an xmessage to
> > > ask if you want to send without an attachment.  I haven't posted the
> > > script but if anyone wants to try it out, just holler!
> > 
> > YES! Sorry for yelling, but you asked to holler :-)
> > 
> > Perhaps you could find a place on your home page?
> > 
> > Thanks and regards,
> > 
> > Axel
> Perhaps I could find a homepage!
> I'll post it to geocities later and post a URL to the list.
mutt-attach-check.tgz is now available at 

It will check for specified (by the user) words or phrases in your email
and check for an attachment to go with them.  If no attachemnt os found,
you'll get asked what to do...


Domestic Sysadmin :-)
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