On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 09:27:37AM -0600, JT Williams wrote:
> > -:  set envelope_from
> > Ok, that did the trick.  Thanks!
> Well, maybe I spoke too soon.
> It's true that the list servers I was having problems with are
> now recognizing me, but our SysAdmin tells me there are still
> problems (see his explanation below).  Is this really a problem?
> I'd like to keep using mutt/IMAP if I could....  TIA/jtw
> -------
>    MUTT seems to use normal sendmail channels to send messages rather
>    than connecting directly to the IMAP server.  We run in a full IMAP
>    environment (/var/mail is not mounted to client machines and clients
>    do not run sendmail daemon).  
>    This results in the sender's address being set to user@localhost
>    regardless of what MUTT settings are changed.  The final header 
>    shows the sender's address as being from the workstation MUTT was 
>    running on rather than the mail server.  In this respect, it behaves 
>    exactly like "mailx".

That's absolutely true[1].  Because mutt is run on a unix-a-like it knows there
will be tools available to send mail on the local system rather than having
to connect to another.

This means that there will be a line in your sent email which is:


Which wouldn't break anything were it not for the Outlooks.

The Outlooks appear to take the Sender: line as the From: line and completely
balls everything up -- I'm sure it's breaking a spec. or something.

Anyway.  You can configure your machine's mta to set the envelope/sender
address or, I suppose, put a reply-to: in.  I don't know which will work

Oh, and it's not a problem.  If he's a real sysadmin the only thing he could
be concerned about is that the name of your machine is being told to a lot
of people.

[1] assuming that where he talks about using the IMAP server to send mail he
means it's running an MTA as well as an IMAP server.

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